Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Don't Knock It Till You Try It Tuesdays: Young Adult Books Edition

This shall be the first of many posts about how much I love Young Adult novels.  I've had friends give me the really-you-are-25-stare when I mention a great YA book I read recently.  It happens.  Just because a book is labeled Young Adult doesn't mean it's not well written, that it might have a story that applies to you or may be of interest to you and this could be a nice break from all of those high brow books you always read (ahem).  Just because it's an "adult" book doesn't mean the name Nora Roberts makes you a well read literary genius.  Get off your pedestal.
So.  Here are some recent ones I've read and loved.
1) The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (The Clockwork Angel, The Clockwork Prince and The Clockwork Princess)

Unfortunately the thing about YA novels is, all of the cover art is consistently bad.  Download and read them on a Kindle like me.   
CC is also the author of The Moral Instruments series, the first book City of Bones is being made into a movie.

The Infernal Devices is the same deal with Shadowhunters, BUT in Victorian London (historical fiction nerd alert).  It is the basic love triangle set up in books like Twilight and The Hunger Games (I am assuming you all have read those or at least watched the movies so they aren't on this list.  Although just putting it out there, Twilight was ruined for me with those hell for my eyes movies).  I really like the ending of the series by the way (again awful in Twilight), in this rare case, the books only get better.

2) Cinder by Marissa Meyer

I just finished this one a couple of days ago.  I wasn't too convinced it was for me when I first read the blurbs on Amazon, but the book kept coming up in my recommended reading on GoodReads so I gave it a shot.  It is Cinderella with cyborgs, plague and a futuristic Beijing OH MY!  Think it's going to be predictable because you know the story already?  It may surprise you.

3)The Elite by Kiera Cass

So I accidentally read this without knowing it was the sequel to "The Selection".  I can't vouch for the first book, but the second one was excellent.  You don't need to read the first one to enjoy the second one, I didn't even realize I was reading the second one in a series until I did an Amazon search on it.  Whoops.  Think Hunger Games but the girl is being roped into The Bachelorette version and is not entirely sure she wants to marry the future king.  And yes there is a Gale character for you all rooting for him in the second movie.    

Unsure about my less than adequate blurbs?  Read the first couple chapters on Amazon.  That's what it's there for!

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