Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Once Upon A Time...

I'm a sucker for fairy tale-ish things.  I come up with these "wouldn't it be interesting/funny/awful/awesome" things for the stories I'm reading.  None of these are usually a base to start any writing of my own, but this one is just too silly not to expand on a bit.

What if there was a prince and he acted like THE Prince?

Once upon a time you were like this-

And you are invited to a ball at the castle that a prince is hosting.  You get all gussied up in your sparkly ball gown complete with matching slippers and tiny tiara to meet this prince.  Your hair is perfectly coiffed and you are feelin pretty ritzy.  As you step out of your carriage at the entrance you catch sight of the host-

Not so bad.  A little forward.  And he has all of those ruffles, he MUST be a prince.  You step into the ballroom and your eyes meet across the floor.

.....and you're like hmm.  He wasn't wearing that outfit just a minute ago... but whatever.  You walk over and are introduced under a purple raincloud.  He asks you to dance- the moment you've been waiting for.  You have practiced your waltz with the birds that sing to you in your bedroom for months.  And he looks at you-

Ooops.  Well maybe dancing isn't for him!  You try to start a conversation about the latest novel you have read and how it has really influenced your thinking on the peasants in the area.

Okkkkkk.  You decide to make a last ditch comment about his constant costume change and how it's..... um..... cool.

That seems to get his attention and you sort of like him in the ruffles anyways.  Later on in the evening you discover you have had one too many glasses of champagne and can't seem to find your carriage.  Prince offers to drive you home on his fiery steed.  You accidentally step in a puddle climbing onto it-

And you're like forget this mess.  I'm walking home.  Forget the Prince, I'll just go soak my feet and eat some ice cream.  Who needs this.  

And of course, the both of you live happily ever after.  Separately.  

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